CloudMyLab - Government

Managed POC or Lab Solution - Saving you a Million-dollar mistake. CloudMyLab offers a Complete end-to-end Managed and Hosted Proof of Concept Solution for Government Enterprises.

In today’s fast-paced Network and Datacenter World, Myriad of Vendors offers Solutions claiming it is one of the best for your organization.

    Trusted By

    Sheffield Hallam



    Dedicated Headend Firewall


    Licensing for Various Vendors


    Any Technology, Vendor and Platform


    99.1% SLA


    Highly Secured


    Customized Golden Images


    Siloed Network with Segregated L2-L3 Network


    1:1 Instance with Zero Downtime


    24/7/365 Priority Support


    No Special Hardware or Software Needed


    No Expensive Hardware or Maintenance


    Special Federal Pricing


    Highly Secured with DDOS protection


    100% Redundancy

    Greenfield or Brownfield Deployment

    GreenField Deployment

    Don’t get us wrong, we are vendor agnostic, and we love all the vendors, but the big Question is what solution fits your organizational needs, after all, you can’t use a hammer for different kind of nails and screws. We have purpose build our platform to enable you with a tool belt to test, deploy and Validate any Network or cloud-based use case. Most OEM offers you the products demo/Trials which focuses on the product but not a greenfield or a brownfield deployment and there is no better way of knowing without actually deploying in your environment.

    CloudMyLab offers to simulate your multi-faceted use cases with any vendor that you plan on bringing into your environment. This will save you time, money and effort. Let us give you an example here, let’s say your organization is planning on deploying a SD-WAN Solution, Of course we all have our favorite Vendors but from the Choice we have today From Cisco’s VIPTELA and Meraki, VMWAREs Velo CLoud, Palo Alto’s Cloud Genix, Fortinet’s SD-WAN, Aruba’s Silver Peak to VERSA and many more.

    CloudMyLab will work with you to understand your use case and put any of the vendors of your choice in that use case. We will hand it off to you for test , so you can take an informed decision. Alternately, you can test all of them in the same breath.

    Educate Your Staff


    CloudMyLab offers Lab-as-a-Service, which you could use to train your staff on newer and different vendor technologies.

    • Certification Training
    • For Validation and Testing
    • For Devops without breaking your bank on Public Clouds

    Your Data Is Always Secure


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